Emotions and Social Contradictions
Graduate seminar at UC Berkeley. (Spring 2023)
Sociology of Mental Health and Illness
Undergraduate seminar at Princeton University. (Spring 2021)
Sociological Theory
Mandatory lecture course for Princeton undergraduates majoring in sociology. Syllabus.
Senior Thesis and Junior Paper Advising
I have advised thirteen undergraduates’ independent work on a range of topics, including: social bonding and social divisions among student-athletes; conceptions of home among elderly residents of long-term facilities; the role of cultural practices in young Asian-Americans’ attempts to navigate U.S. racial hierarchies; the formation of social capital in small immigrant businesses ; and the mental health struggles of different categories of college students.
Poverty in America (Course Head: Matthew Desmond)
I was the Head Preceptor for this 150-student course at Princeton University. I taught two discussion sections and served as a course-wide resource for ethnographic fieldwork. I also helped negotiate research partnerships for students to conduct fieldwork with local organizations. Course information.
Ethnic and Racial Relations in the United States (Course Head: Lawrence Bobo)
Undergraduate seminar at Harvard University, cross-listed in Sociology and African-American Studies.
Human Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery (Course Head: Orlando Patterson)
Undergraduate seminar at Harvard University, part of the General Education curriculum.
Intermediate Quantitative Methods (Course Head: Jason Beckfield)
Graduate course, mandatory for students in the Sociology Ph.D. program at Harvard University. I received a Certificate of Distinction in Teaching for my performance in teaching fellow graduate students in this course.
Advanced Quantitative Methods (Course Head: Christopher Winship)
Graduate course, mandatory for students in the Sociology Ph.D. program at Harvard University.